EMT Training


Training Availability:

Annually, the local Medical Control Authority sponsors a two-day weekend conference at Michigan Tech. The conference is held in late March/early April and provides continuing education credits for all levels of licensure. See the training schedule for dates and times.

Initial education for all license levels is also available (as needed) at Mercy EMS through the School of EMT teleconferencing system network at UP Health System Marquette.

Mercy EMS is a training site for the Marquette system and courses for Emergency Medical Responder through Paramedic have been offered. Mercy EMS also offers continuing and initial training (as needed) for our employees and members of EMS agencies in our service area.

Scheduled Training:

Date Training Location Credits Contact


Mercy EMS, Inc. was the first ALS (Advanced Life Support) Service in the state of Michigan.


Our service area covers 1,250 square miles with a fleet of seven ambulances, five of which are ALS equipped.


On average, Mercy EMS responds to 3,000 emergency (911) calls annually, and over 500 hospital-to-hospital transfers to our regional medical center in Marquette, Michigan.




Mercy EMS, Inc.
23298 Airpark Blvd • Calumet, MI 49913

Contact Us | Directions

(906) 482-0932


Serving Houghton and
Keweenaw Counties

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